Mac's MeatsWe have fresh cuts of beef, pork, and poultry every day. Roasts, chops, steaks, fryers, roasters, and specialty items--we provide only the freshest and highest quality meats & produce.

Contact Mac's Meats and Produce

Mac's Meats & Produce
1277 1st St South, Winter Haven, FL
Phone (863) 299-1444

Store Hours: Monday thru Saturday 9am - 6pm,
Closed Sunday

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Weekly Deals at Mac's Meat & ProduceMac's Meat and Produce

Mac's Meats & Produce
1277 1st St S, Winter Haven, FL
Phone (863) 299-1444

Come see us soon at Mac's Meats & Produce!

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About Mac's Meats & Produce
Contact Mac's Meats & Produce
©2019 Mac's Meats & Produce
1277 1st St S, Winter Haven, FL 33880

Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 9am - 6pm
Closed Sunday Phone (863) 299-1444