Mac's Meats34 years in business, Mac's Meats & Produce is at 1277 1st Street South, Winter Haven FL 33880.
Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 9am - 6pm, Closed-Sunday. (863) 299-1444

We have fresh cuts of beef, pork, and poultry every day. Roasts, chops, steaks, fryers, roasters, and specialty items--we provide only the freshest and highest quality meats and produce. Our premium grain fed Angus beef ensures an enjoyable eating experience every time you share your table with us.

Mac's Meats & Produce
1277 1st St S, Winter Haven, FL
Phone (863) 299-1444

John Mac McClellandMac’s Meat Market was founded in 1985 by John "Mac" and Audrey McClelland and their six "little Macs." Read More...

Come see us soon at Mac's Meats & Produce!

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©2019 Mac's Meats & Produce
1277 1st St S, Winter Haven, FL 33880

Store Hours: Monday - Saturday 9am - 6pm
Closed Sunday Phone (863) 299-1444